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How to add Ethereum Classic network to your metamask & add the ETCPOW token for ETCMC node rewards

This post will show you how to

  • Install the free browser wallet Metamask

  • Add the ethereum network to your metamask

  • Register your node using your metamask wallet address

  • Add the ETCPOW token to your metamask wallet

etcmc etcpow token

10% Discount code: nordic

If you don't have a ETCMC node yet, you can get it here.

To setup the node & eventually register your wallet to your node, read this article and then watch this setup guide video

First step: Get a wallet

To be able to get the ETCPOW rewards the ETCMC node gives you, you need a wallet address to where the ETCPOW rewards can be sent to. When you create a new wallet you are given your unique wallet address. The most used free wallet is the called "Metamask wallet" which is a browser wallet that you connect directly to your web-browser "Google chrome, safari etc".

Get the free Metamask wallet here.

Download the wallet to your web-browser. Open the metamask wallet by clicking the extension icon in the top right corner (see picture below) and click on the metamask icon to open the wallet.

Click "Create a new wallet" and set a password. Save the seed phrase that shows up, preferably write it down and keep it safe.

Now you have setup your metamask wallet and it will be empty (see picture below). The arrow in the picture below points towards your wallet address.

Now we need to add the ethereum classic network to your metamask wallet. To do that, go to and type in "ethereum classic" in the search field (see picture below). Then click "Add to metamask" and approve the popup messages.

Now you can at any time switch between the current network in your metamask to the Ethereum classic network (see picture below). Click the button and select "Ethereum classic".

Great! Your wallet setup is complete.

Register the ETCMC node

Now open the ETCMC node launcher. Click on "Register node" (See picture below). And paste or type in the wallet address of your metamask wallet. MAKE SURE YOU PASTE IN OR TYPE IN THE CORRECT ADDRESS! If you type in wrong you will not get the ETCPOW rewards.

ETCMC launcher
ETCMC launcher

Add the ETCPOW token to your metamask

To be able to see your ETCPOW tokens in your metamask wallet you need to add them first. Here is how to do that. After we have claimed the ETCPOW tokens in the ETCMC launcher and we got them transferred to us, which occur at the end of each month. We want to see them in out metamask wallet. Open up Metamask. Click on the text "tokens" At the bottom click on the text "Import tokens" (see picture below).

metamask ethereum classic

And paste in the following contract address under "Token contract address" ETCPOW contract address 0x6c3B413C461c42a88160Ed1B1B31d6f7b02a1C83 And click "Add custom token". Now ETCPOW should have been added to your metamask wallet so you can see them.


To see the ETCMC nodes current earnings & profitability click here. Click here to see more common questions on the ETCMC node. To see the steps in a video see the following youtube tutorial

10% Discount code: nordic

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